The research group of Prof. Schmidt deals with the design and development of complex systems for various fields of application. Special interest is given to projects from the interdisciplinary fields of computer science, electrical engineering, communication, control engineering and telematics
- Hardware and software development for robotic systems
- Robot Operating System (ROS)
- Industry 4.0 / Cyber Physical Systems
- Mobile Robotics
Human Robot Interaction
- Gesture control for mobile robots
- Human Brain Interface
- Human Robot Cooperation
- Assistant robotics
Intelligent Systems
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Distributed systems and robot networks
- Robot swarms
- Sensor systems and sensor data fusion
Stellite Technology
- Satellite image processing and data fusion
- Satellite Communication
- Ground station networks and scheduling
- RACE Lab (Robotics, Automotive & Aerospace, Controls & Computer Science, Engineering Lab)
- HRI Lab (Human Robot Interaction Lab)
- Robot workcell for industrial production
- Robotic platforms for education: Sphero, Turtlebot, Phantom X Reactor, Kilobot